A workspace enables controlled access to the artifacts and other resources required to develop the consumable product. Workspaces provide secure and exclusive access to versioned project artifacts.
Role:  Any Role 
Optionality/Occurrence:  Each team member is granted a development workspace and access to the integration workspace.
Templates and Reports: 
UML Representation:  No formal UML representation. Can optionally be modeled as a package, stereotyped as a <<workspace>>.
More Information:   
Input to Activities:    Output from Activities:   

Purpose To top of page

The purpose of a workspace is to enable access to artifacts and resources required to develop and assemble the deliverable product. Development workspaces refer to private areas where developers can implement and test code in relative isolation from other developers. Integration workspaces refer to public areas where individual work is delivered for incorporation into the overall product build and baselines.

Properties To top of page

There are two kinds of workspaces: 

  • The development workspace is a private development area within which a team member can make changes to artifacts without the changes becoming immediately visible to others.
  • The integration workspace is shared workspace and accessible to all members of the project team. The overall product is built and baselined in the integration workspace. 

On a project, there is one shared integration workspace, and possibly multiple development workspaces. Each project member needs to work within a workspace to gain access to the project artifacts that are baselined and retained in the project repository. The integrator creates builds within the integration workspace and makes baselines that are visible to the overall development team.

Timing To top of page

Each team member who joins a project is granted a development workspace and access to the integration workspace. The integration workspace that provides access to the baselined set of artifacts is created as soon as the project's Configuration Management environment has been established. Development workspaces can be created whenever a team member joins the project.

Responsibility To top of page

While a Development workspace can be created by Any Role; the Integration workspace is created by the Integrator role to ensure that the needs of all team members are met and to ensure the integrity of the Integration workspace.

Tailoring To top of page

Because each Development workspace is the responsibility of each individual team member, tailoring of this artifact can occur as needed, including the selection of what specific artifacts should included in the workspace.

Any tailoring of shared Integration workspaces should be documented in the Artifact: Configuration Management Plan.

Rational Unified Process   2003.06.13