Role: Any Role |
Frequency: On-Going |
Input Artifacts: | Resulting Artifacts: |
Workflow Details: |
The Work Order from project management is a stimulus to any work being performed on a project. On being given a work order, team members will typically plan their work by creating "to do" lists with due dates that meet the "contract" outlined in the work order.
The next step is for the responsible role to get or create the necessary artifacts that need to be worked on or added to source control.
Projects usually maintain controlled versions of artifacts in a central, restricted access, repository. Check-In and Check-Out are the operations that enable development staff to obtain a particular version of an artifact, make changes to it, and re-submit it to become the latest controlled version. The purpose of this step is to ensure that developers follow 'check-in and check-out' procedures to make changes to version controlled artifacts.
The primary CM operations performed by any member of the development staff are:
An implementer will typically work in the following manner:
Different Kinds of Check-Out
By default, checking out an element grants the exclusive right to create a new
version of it. This is called a reserved checkout. Another user who
attempts a reserved checkout of that element is prevented from doing so.
In parallel development situations, an unreserved checkout is a
mechanism to checkout a file even if someone else has already checked it out.
Some organizations routinely use a first-come/first-served style of development,
in which multiple users perform an unreserved Check Out of the same element. Any
one of them can subsequently perform a Check In, to create the next version of
that file. Each of the others must merge these changes with previously
checked in changes before creating a subsequent version.
Rational Unified Process