Tool Mentor: Managing Sequence Diagrams Using Rational Rose
This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose to create
sequence diagrams that show the interactions between objects.
This section provides links to additional information related to this tool mentor.
The following is a summary of the steps you perform to use sequence
diagrams to describe the interactions between objects:
Create a sequence diagram under the
Use-Case Realization
- Place the
participating objects and actors in the sequence diagram
- Describe the messages
between the objects
- Describe what an
object does when it receives a message
For more details about sequence diagrams, see:
1. Create a sequence diagram under the Use-Case
Realization ![To top of page](../../images/top.gif)
When you create a sequence diagram for a use case realization,
consider naming the diagram "<use-case name> - <flow
type>". This naming convention simplifies future tracing of
objects to the use-case realization that they participate in. Also,
use the documentation window to enter a brief description of the
scenario that the sequence diagram depicts.
2. Place the participating objects and actors in
the sequence
diagram ![To top of page](../../images/top.gif)
One of the primary elements of a sequence diagram is an object. An
object has state, behavior, and identity. The structure and behavior
of similar objects are defined in their common class. Each object in
a diagram indicates some instance of a class. An object that is not
named is referred to as a class instance. In this step, you:
3. Describe the messages between the objects ![To top of page](../../images/top.gif)
A message represents the communication between actors and objects,
indicating that an action will follow. It carries information from
the source focus of control to the destination focus of control. In a
sequence diagram a message icon represents exactly one message. When
you create a message, use the documentation field in the Message
Specification to describe the message.
4. Describe what an object does when it receives
a message ![To top of page](../../images/top.gif)
To enhance a message, you can attach a script to it. Use the Text Box
symbol in the sequence diagram toolbar.