
Even though InfoKeep had been announced on Freshmeat, the state of the code is far from release-ready. In fact it is undergoing complete rewrite from what used to be known as LiLUG SAC.

This page is here as a placeholder, until the code is actually released. Stay tuned, as much will happen in short time.

You can see information managed py partly SAC, partly InfoKeep at:

CVS bruk for Infokeep
For now, enjoy this snipplet of the main-file..
 * ****** IMPORTANT: Review the files README, DISCLAMIER and LICENCE
 * This is the main file for InfoKeep.
 * InfoKeep is a tool for managing and maintaining information about
 * members and activities of a Linux User Group, or simmilar activity.
 * InfoKeep is intended to be used in conjunction with a web-site interface
 * to related information, like news, meeting-plans, general activities
 * and the like, that is generally accessible by users, either openly
 * or on a session-basis.
 * InfoKeep uses modules to support different kinds of information
 * related to different sub-web-sites maintained bu the LUG/organization.
 * This package does not include the end-user web-interface to this
 * information. You may look up the LiLUG web-code, but will most likely
 * have to write the wrapper youself.
 * With InfoKeep you recieve a few examples of modules for the system, and
 * the database-layout to accompany those. Please review and rewrite
 * as you see neccesary.
// All configuration is done in the
// config directory. main.php is the badass file.

// Separate out as many functions as possible from the main code
// and into separate "libraries".
// standard_functions.php should contain all functions
// used by all modules.

if ( isset $module ) {
        // run_atuhorization() is a good example of a function
        // that naturally goes into standard_functions();
        // To load and run a module, we simply include that module in.
        if (file_exists("modules/$module.php")) {
} else {
        // If no module has been selected, the user has not
        // logged in. If so, open the login screen.