
This tool mentor provides guidance in using the Rational XDE™ software tool's functionality of comparing and synchronizing the Data Model with a database or DDL.

This section provides links to additional information related to this tool mentor.


The following step is performed in this tool mentor:

Compare and Synchronize To top of page

Rational XDE compares a Data Model with an existing DDL script file or database schema. (See .) The differences can then be synchronized between the model and the DDL or database. (See .) You initiate this comparison and synchronization process using the Data Model to Database Synchronization Wizard. (See .)

Rational XDE requires you to compare and synchronize your Data Model from the database level. The DDL or database schema that you are comparing must use the same name as your Data Model database. You must also compare to a DDL or database that uses the same database management system (DBMS) as the Data Model database.

Refer to the Rational XDE online Help topic for further details on comparing and synchronizing databases.

A connection with the database is needed for the compare and synchronization process. The following Rational XDE online Help topics provide information on establishing database connections for a specific DBMS:

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Rational Unified Process   2003.06.13