Tool Mentor: Finding Business Workers and Entities Using Rational Rose
This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose to record the results
of finding business workers and entities.
This section provides links to additional information related to this tool mentor.
The following steps are a summary of how you model the results of finding business workers and entities:
Create the Business Analysis
- Create
classes in the Business Analysis Model
- Create
the business use-case realizations package
- Create
a business use-case realization
- Create
traceability between a business use-case and its realization
- Identify the business use case realization owner
- Create
a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization
- Place
actors and objects in a collaboration diagram
- Create
links between objects in a collaboration diagram
- Create
a sequence diagram for the business use case realization
- Place
actors and objects in a sequence diagram
- Describe
messages between objects in a sequence diagram
- Describe
what an object does when it receives a message in a sequence diagram
- Create
class diagrams to document classes in the Business Analysis Model
1. Create the Business
Analysis Model 
A separate Business Analysis Model can be represented in Rational
Rose using a package within the Logical View Named "Business
Analysis Model". To create a package called Business Analysis Model in
the Logical View:
2. Create
classes in the Business Analysis Model 
To create a class (a business worker, business event or a business entity) in the
business analysis model:
3. Create
the business use-case realizations package in the Business Analysis
All business use-case realizations are organized initially into a
package within the Artifact:
Business Analysis Model, which is in turn represented as a package
in the Logical View in Rational Rose.
When you create a package within the Business Analysis Model to contain
the business use-case realizations, you should:
4. Create a business
use-case realization 
To create a business use-case realization:
5. Create
traceability between a business use-case and its
To create traceability between a business use case and its business
use-case realization:
6. Identify
the business use-case realization owner 
To insert an owner dependency from a business use case realization to a
business worker in a class diagram, do the following:
- Select the Dependency arrow from the toolbox in the class diagram
- Position the cursor on the business use case realization in the class
diagram. Left-click and move the cursor to the business worker symbol and
- Double-click on the created dependency and select the «owner» stereotype
in the Dependency Specification dialog box.
- Click OK.
- Right-click on the created dependency, and make sure that the Show
Stereotype selection is checked in the shortcut menu.
- The stereotype label can be repositioned by dragging and dropping it in
the diagram.
7. Create
a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization 
Business use-case realizations are captured in Rational Rose
using collaboration diagrams. For more complex realizations, you can
use sequence diagrams (see Create a Sequence Diagram for the Business
Use-Case Realization).
To create a collaboration diagram for the business use-case realization:
8. Place
actors and objects in a collaboration diagram 
To create objects in collaboration diagrams, do the following:
9. Create
links between objects in a collaboration diagram 
Links provide a way for two objects/actors to exchange messages. To
create a link between two objects in a collaboration diagram, do the following:
10. Create
a sequence diagram for the business use-case
To create a sequence diagram for a business use-case realization:
11. Place
actors and objects in a sequence diagram 
To place actors objects in sequence diagrams:
12. Describe
messages between objects in a sequence diagram 
To create a message in a sequence diagram:
To document a message:
To rearrange the time order of messages in a sequence diagram, select
the message arrow and drag-and-drop messages up and down the time
axis to rearrange the order.
13. Describe
what an object does when it receives a message in a sequence diagram 
To attach a script to a message:
Scripts can be formatted by selecting their text box and dragging the
corner markers.
14. Create
class diagrams to document classes in the Business Analysis Model 
To create a class diagram and insert a class in the diagram, do the following: