Workflow Detail:
The purpose of this workflow detail is to solicit feedback on the product from a subset of the intended users while it is still under active development. |
Feedback from the Beta Program is treated as Stakeholder Requests and factored into the developing product features in subsequent iterations.
This section provides links to additional information related to this workflow detail.
This work is generally performed in the Construction and Transition phases, although there may be situations where it is useful to perform as early as the Elaboration phase. It is typical for beta testing to be the primary focus for iterations in which it is conducted, as such this workflow detail will typically be preceded by integration and build activities focused on enabling the beta test work. This workflow detail itself will typically begin part-way into the iteration, and may continue until the end of the iteration.
This workflow detail can be considered optional. It is most appropriate in situations where the product being built is unprecedented or where the product will be shrink-wrapped and made available for sale commercially. As a general heuristic, products will either be acceptance tested or beta tested, but not both.
A deployment manager needs to be someone who is aware of the operational needs of the end user and capable of pulling together all the items that go in to making the product. The deployment manager runs the beta test and, in the case of "shrink wrap" products, deals with the manufacturers to ensure that adequate quality is achieved in the product.
The deployment manager "gets the product out there" and, as such, needs to be well versed in the required infrastructure, and user needs, to ensure that the product is available for the users.
See the Related Information section for additional guidance that will help you in performing this work.
Rational Unified Process |