Workflow Detail:
The purpose of this workflow detail is to identify all roles, products, deliverables, and events in the business, and to describe how the target (to-be) business use-case realizations will be performed by business workers and business entities. |
This workflow detail is the first step toward defining the target Business Use-Case Realizations. The current (as-is) business use-case realizations were documented during Describe Current Business. Depending on the scope of the business-modeling effort defined in the Business Vision, the existing business use-case realizations may be used as a starting point (business process improvement or BPI) or completely reinvented (business process re-engineering or BPR).
Any terms, concepts, and definitions discovered while performing these activities must be captured in the Business Glossary. The business rules governing the current business use-case realizations may have to be refined. It is also possible that new business rules will be discovered. Business rules must be captured in Artifact: Business Rules, either in document form or as elements in the Business Analysis Model.
The architectural views in the Business Architecture Document should be kept up to date during these activities. Defining or improving business use-case realizations may raise a number of architectural issues. These issues need to be investigated, resolved, and described in the Business Architecture Document.
This section provides links to additional information related to this workflow detail.
Begins in Inception phase, repeated in later iterations as required/planned.
Recommended for business modeling efforts aimed at engineering or re-engineering a business.
This workflow detail is often conducted as a series of workshops attended by the core development team (acting as business designers) and some invited domain experts. There must also be at least one person in attendance who has previously held the responsibility of business-process analyst-both to ensure that the business use-case model is understandable and to keep the Business Glossary updated. If the business designers lack knowledge in some aspect of the business domain, this information can be provided by invited stakeholders.
The following sample techniques can be applied in this workflow detail:
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Rational Unified Process