Guidelines: Implementation
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In the programming environment, an implementation is composed of Implementation
Elements, including source code files, binary files, and data files, organized
in directories. In addition to these low level elements, there is often the
need to create higher level units of management, the Implementation Subsystems,
that group Implementation Elements and other Implementation Subsystems.
The Implementation Model principally models the Implementation Subsystems,
including dependencies and other management information. It may also model key
elements of an Implementation Subsystem, such as deployable files, or directory
![Diagram described in accompanying text.](images/md_impm2.gif)
The notation in the Implementation Model. The arrows show
possible ownership.
There is optionally a package that serves as the top-level (root) node in the
Implementation Model. Packages, stereotyped as <<implementation subsystem>>
group the Implementation Elements (files and directories) and other Implementation
In a banking system the implementation subsystems are
organized as a flat structure in the top-level node of the implementation model.
Another way of viewing the subsystems in the implementation model is in layers.
(See Guidelines: Import Dependency).
![Diagram described in accompanying text.](images/md_impm3.gif)
The implementation model for a banking system, showing
the ownership hierarchy.
The Implementation Model not only defines the basic structure of the implementation
in terms of hierarchy of Implementation Subsystems, but may also show import
dependencies between Implementation Subsystems, compilation dependencies between
Implementation Elements, and diagrams that show dependencies between Implementation
Model elements and Design Model elements.
For more information see:
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The Implementation Model focusses on the concern of the physical organization
of the software in terms of Implementation Subsystems and Implementation Elements.
You may optionally create a single model that addresses both the physical implementation
and the logical design in a single model. This is common in a round-trip engineering
approach that synchronizes source code files with a combined Implementation/Design
The organization of Implementation Subsystems can be more or less close to
the Design Model, depending on how you decide to map between these two models.
This is an process decision that should be captured in the design guidelines
specific to the project. When the mapping is exact, that is, each Implementation
Subsystem is also a Design Subsystem, then you can create diagrams that focus
on a single Design Subsystem, summarizing both its design and its implementation.
For more information, about how to structure the Implementation Model, and
map between Design and Implementation Models, refer to the Concepts:
Mapping Design to Code, Activity: Structure
the Implementation Model, and Guidelines: Implementation