Guidelines: Aggregation
Aggregation is used to model a compositional relationship between model
elements. There are many examples of compositional relationships: a Library
contains Books, within a company Departments
are made-up of Employees, a Computer is
composed of a number of Devices. To model this, the aggregate (Department)
has an aggregation association to the its constituent parts (Employee).
A hollow diamond is attached to the end of an association path on the side of
the aggregate (the whole) to indicate aggregation.
In this example an Customer has an Address.
We use aggregation because the two classes represent part of a larger whole. We
have also chosen to model Address as a separate class, since
many other kinds of things have addresses as well.

An aggregate object can hold other objects together.
An aggregation relationship that has a multiplicity greater than one
established for the aggregate is called shared, and destroying
the aggregate does not necessarily destroy the parts. By implication, a shared
aggregation forms a graph, or a tree with many roots. Shared aggregations are
used in cases where there is a strong relationship between two classes, so that
the same instance can participate in two different aggregations.
Consider the case where a person has a home-based business.
Both the Person and the Business have an address; in fact it is the same
address. The Address is an integral part of both the Person and the Business.
Yet the Business may cease to exist, leaving the Person hopefully at the same
Note also that it is possible in this case to start off with
shared aggregation, then convert to non-shared aggregation at a later date. The
home-based business may grow and prosper, eventually moving into separate
quarters. At this point, the Person and the Business no longer share the same
address. As a result, the aggregation is no longer shared.

An example of shared aggregation.
Composition is a form of aggregation with strong ownership
and coincident lifetime of the part with the aggregate. The multiplicity of the
aggregate end (in the example, the Order) may not exceed one
(i.e. it cannot be shared). The aggregation is also unchangeable, that is once
established, its links cannot be changed. By implication, a composite
aggregation forms a "tree" of parts, with the root being the
aggregate, and the "branches" the parts.
A compositional aggregation should be used over "plain" aggregation
when there is strong inter-dependency relationship between the aggregate and the
parts; where the definition of the aggregate is incomplete without the parts. In
the example presented below, it does make sense to even have an Order
if there is nothing being ordered (i.e. Line Items). In some
cases, this inter-dependency can be identified as early as analysis (as in the
case with this example), but more often it is not until design that such
decisions can be made confidently.
A solid filled diamond is attached to the end of an association path to
indicate composition, as shown below:

An example of compositional aggregation
In this example, the Customer Interface is
composed of several other classes. In this example the multiplicities of the
aggregations are not yet specified.

A Customer Interface object knows which Display,
Receipt Printer, KeyPad, and Speaker
objects belong to it.
A property of a class is something that the class knows about. As in the case
of the Customer class shown above, one could choose to model
the Address of the Customer as either a class, as we have shown
it, or as a set of attributes of the class. The decision whether to use a class
and the aggregation relation, or a set of attributes, depends on the following:
- Do the 'properties' need to have independent identity, such that they can
be referenced from a number of objects? If so, use a class and aggregation.
- Do a number of classes need to have the same 'properties'? If so, use a
class and aggregation.
- Do the 'properties' have a complex structure and properties of their own?
If so, use a class (or classes) and aggregation.
- Otherwise, use attributes.
In an Automated Teller Machine, the system
must keep track of the current customer and their PIN, let us assume that the Customer
Interface is responsible for this. This information may be thought of
as "properties" of the class. This may done using a separate class,
shown as follows:

Object properties modeled using
The alternative, having the Customer Interface
keep track of the current Customer and their PIN using attributes, is modeled as

Object properties modeled using Attributes
The decision of whether to use attributes or an aggregation association to a
separate class is determined based the degree of coupling between the concepts
being represented: when the concepts being modeled are tightly connected, use
attributes. When the concepts are likely to change independently, use
Aggregation should be used only in cases where there is a compositional
relationship between classes, where one class is composed of other classes,
where the "parts" are incomplete outside the context of the whole.
Consider the case of an Order: it makes no sense to have an
order which is "empty" and consists of "nothing". The same
is true for all aggregates: Departments must have Employees, Families must have
Family Members, and so on.
If the classes can have independent identity outside the context provided by
other classes, if they are not parts of some greater whole, then the association
relationship should be used. In addition, when in doubt, an association more
appropriate; aggregations are generally obvious, and choosing aggregation is
only done to help clarify. It is not something that is crucial to the success of
the modeling effort.
Sometimes, a class may be aggregated with itself. This does not mean that an
instance of that class is composed of itself (this would be silly), it means
that one instance if the class is an aggregate composed of other instances of
the same class. In the case of self-aggregations, role names are essential to
distinguish the purpose for the association.
Consider the following self-aggregation involving the class Product:

In this case, a product may be composed of other products; if
they are, the aggregated products are called sub-products. The association is
navigable only from the aggregate to the sub-product; i.e. sub-products would
not know what products they are part of (since they may be part of many