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The Supplementary Business Specifications presents quantifiers of the business not included in the Business Use Case Model or the Business Analysis Model, or constraints or restrictions to which the business must comply. |
Role: | Business-Process Analyst |
Optionality/Occurrence: | Can be excluded. This artifact should be used to capture legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the business. |
Templates and Reports: | |
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UML Representation: | Not applicable. |
More Information: |
Input to Activities: | Output from Activities: |
This document captures any descriptions of process, quantifiers or constraints that cannot be assigned to one business use case. The contents of this document are therefore applicable across all business use cases. Where such quantifiers or constraints apply to only one business use case, they should be presented as special requirements of that business use case.
This document is read by stakeholders, business-process analysts and business designers in order to understand the effects of these qualifiers and constraints on business design and by system analysts and software architects to understand the effect of these qualifiers and constraints on software requirements.
This document should not contain business goals, as these are identified, analyzed and modeled separately. Rather, quantifiers and qualifiers that govern business use cases should be captured as supplementary business specifications. Business goals are used to plan and steer the activities of the business in the direction of the business strategy, while supplementary business specifications are used to define boundaries within which the business must operate. Small or informal modeling efforts may be an exception to this rule, such as business modeling prior to developing a software system. In such a case, the business goals may coincide somewhat with the supplementary requirements and may therefore be captured informally as part of this document.
This document is created during the Inception and Elaboration phases.
A Business-Process Analyst is responsible for the integrity of the Supplementary Business Specification, which is an important complement to the Business Use-Case Model and Business Analysis Model. The Supplementary Business Specifications, the Business Use-Case Model, and the Business Analysis Model together should capture all information needed about the business to understand the context and consequences of decisions.
Adjust the outline of the document to fit the project's needs. The scope and depth of this artifact depends on the level of investment the project is making in building a business model. Most often, this document will be used to capture constraints and restrictions applicable to business use cases. As an example, there may be regulations governing the manner in which restaurants serve food to customers. These regulations will constrain the business use cases related to serving meals.
Rational Unified Process