• Is the name and description of the business entity clear and understandable?
    • Is each relationship to/from the business entity used in the workflow of at least one business use case realization?
    • Does the business entity participate in at least one business use case realization?
    • Does the business entity have an owner; that is, a business worker who is responsible for the business entity?
    • Does the business entity get created before it gets used or manipulated?
    • Do significant state changes trigger a business event?
    • Have all appropriate attributes been identified?
    • Does the business entity have the appropriate relationships with related business workers, business events, and other business entities?
    • Considering the entire business, are all "things" in it, such as products, documents, and contracts, modeled as business entities?
    • Does the business entity contribute to the business system of which is is part (if any)?
    • Does the business entity represent significant information within the business?
    • Is the business entity likely to be updated or referred to at some stage?
    • Does the business entity represent persistent information?  Will it be discarded shortly after use?

This content developed or partially developed by http://www.empulsys.com/rupbm -- This hyperlink in not present in this generated websiteEmpulsys BV.

Rational Unified Process   2003.06.13