Role: User-Interface Designer | |
Frequency: As required, typically at least once in either Inception or Elaboration phases where a user-interface is required. | |
In practice, the protoyping of the user interface is usually performed in conjunction with the designing of the user interface (see activity: Design the User Interface). While designing the user-interface, you should continuously prototype your design and expose it to others, taking into consideration any project-specific guidelines. |
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When prototyping the user-interface, keep in mind the user-interface design, the Storyboards created during requirements elicitation, and the user interface guidelines in the project-specific guidelines. If it is discovered that refinements to the Storyboards are needed as a result of this activity, these updates are performed by the System Analyst (see activity: Elicit Stakeholder Requests). If it is discovered that refinements to the user interface design is needed as a result of this activity, these updates are performed by the User-Interface Designer (see activity: Design the User Interface).
The design of the User-Interface Prototype is the design of the user-interface itself. The only difference is the level of detail and rigor of that design. A "complete" user-interface design is usually not performed prior to prototyping that design. In fact, it is often appropriate to defer detailed user-interface design until after several iterations of a prototype have been built and reviewed. For more information on user-interface design, see activity: Design the User Interface.
The User-Interface Prototype should be created as soon as you need to expose the user-interface design to people other than User-Interface Designers. The prototype should approximate the look-and-feel and behavior of the primary and secondary windows. Through these initial User-Interface Prototypes, you begin to establish a mental model of the system's user interface.
Note that the focus should not be on achieving a good structure and modularization of the source code for the executable prototype; instead, the focus should be on creating a throw-away prototype that visualizes the significant aspects of the user interface and that provides some of its significant user actions/behaviors. Moreover, a prototype is likely to change several times when it is designed and exposed to others, and these changes are often made as cheap patches. As a result, the source code of the prototype is often of very limited value, and not "evolutionary," when the real user interface is to be implemented.
In general, a prototype is cheaper to implement than an implementation of the real user interface. The following are some differences between the prototype and the real implementation of the user interface:
It is important to work closely with users and potential users of the system when prototyping the user-interface. This may be used address usability of the system, to help uncover any previously undiscovered requirements and to further refine the requirements definition.
Feedback on the User-Interface Prototype can be obtained through focused reviews, and testing. For information on usability testing, refer to Concepts: Usability Testing.
Rational Unified Process