Course Registration System
Iteration Plan
Preliminary Iteration (Inception)
Version 1.1
Revision History
Date |
Version |
Description |
Author |
18/Jan/1999 |
1.0 |
Initial Release |
Rick Bell |
22/Jan/1999 |
1.1 |
Revised the high level schedule.
Adjusted the budget. |
Rick Bell |
Table of Contents
- Objectives
- Scope
- References
- Plan
- 4.1 Iteration Activities
- 4.2 Iteration Schedule
- 4.3 Iteration
- Resources
- 5.1 Staffing Resources
- 5.2 Financial Resources
- 5.3 Equipment & Facilities
- Use Cases
- Evaluation Criteria
Iteration Plan
- Objectives
This Iteration Plan describes the detailed plans for the Preliminary
Iteration of the C-Registration System Project. During this iteration, the
requirements of the system will be defined and the high level plan for execution
of the full project will be developed. This first iteration will conduct a
thorough analysis on the business case for the system and will result in a
decision on whether the project will proceed.
2. Scope
The Preliminary Iteration Plan applies to the C-Registration System project
being developed by Wylie College Information Systems for Wylie College. This
document will be used by the Project Manager and by the project team.
3. References
Applicable references are:
- Course Registration System Vision Document, WyIT387, V1.0, Wylie
College IT.
- Course Registration System Stakeholder Requests Document, WyIT389,
V1.0, 1998, Wylie College IT.
- Course Registration System Glossary, WyIT406, V1.0, 1998, Wylie
College IT.
- Course Registration System Inception Phase Schedule, V1.0, 1999, Wylie
College IT.
- Course Registration System Project Plan, WyIT418, V1.0, 1999, Wylie
College IT.
4. Plan
The Preliminary Iteration will develop the product requirements and
establish the business case for the C-Registration System. The major use cases
will be developed as well as the high level Project Plan. At the end of this
iteration, Wylie College will decide whether to fund and proceed with the
project based upon the business case.
4.1 Iteration
The following table illustrates the high level activities with their
planned start and end dates.
Activity |
Start Date |
End Date |
Business Modeling |
Dec 1, 1998 |
Dec 22, 1998 |
Requirements Definition |
Dec 1, 1998 |
Jan 19, 1999 |
Configuration Management
Setup |
Dec 1, 1998 |
Jan 14, 1999 |
Management |
Dec 1, 1998 |
Jan 19, 1999 |
4.2 Iteration
The detailed schedule showing all tasks and the assigned responsibilities
is contained in the following schedule:
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Resource Names |
Milestones |
45 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Start |
0 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Business Case Review
Milestone (end Inception Phase) |
0 days |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Inception Phase |
45 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Preliminary Iteration |
45 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Business Modeling |
18 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Thu 12/24/98 |
Capture a Common
Vocabulary |
9 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 12/11/98 |
Business-Process Analyst |
Find Business Actors and
Use Cases |
3 days |
Wed 12/9/98 |
Fri 12/11/98 |
Business-Process Analyst |
Describe Business Use
Cases |
9 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 12/11/98 |
Describe Business Use
Case 'BUC1' |
9 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 12/11/98 |
Business Designer |
Describe Business Use
Case 'BUC2' |
9 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 12/11/98 |
Business Designer |
Structure the Business
Use-Case Model |
14 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 12/18/98 |
Business-Process Analyst |
Review Business Use-Case
Model |
4 days |
Mon 12/21/98 |
Thu 12/24/98 |
Business-Model Reviewer |
Requirements |
40 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 1/25/99 |
Develop Vision |
25 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 1/4/99 |
System Analyst |
Elicit Stakeholder
Requests |
4 days |
Tue 1/5/99 |
Fri 1/8/99 |
System Analyst |
Manage Dependencies |
26 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Tue 1/5/99 |
System Analyst |
Capture a Common
Vocabulary |
10 days |
Wed 12/23/98 |
Tue 1/5/99 |
System Analyst |
Find Actors and Use Cases |
10 days |
Wed 12/23/98 |
Tue 1/5/99 |
System Analyst |
Prioritize Use Cases |
10 days |
Tue 1/12/99 |
Mon 1/25/99 |
Architect |
Define System &
Constraints |
1 day |
Mon 1/11/99 |
Mon 1/11/99 |
System Analyst |
Management |
34 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 1/15/99 |
Establish CM Practices |
14 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 12/18/98 |
Project Manager |
Establish the CM
Environment |
20 days |
Mon 12/21/98 |
Fri 1/15/99 |
Configuration Manager |
Management |
45 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Identify Risks |
35 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Mon 1/18/99 |
Project Manager |
Develop Project/Phase
Plan |
24 days |
Tue 12/1/98 |
Fri 1/1/99 |
Project Manager |
Staff Project |
11 days |
Mon 1/4/99 |
Mon 1/18/99 |
Project Manager |
Generate Business Case |
16 days |
Mon 1/11/99 |
Mon 2/1/99 |
Project Manager |
4.3 Iteration
The following deliverables or artifacts will be generated and reviewed
during the Preliminary Iteration:
Artifact Set |
Deliverable |
Responsible Owner |
Business Modeling Set |
Business Use Case Model
Supplementary Business Spec.
Business Use Case Realization |
Bob Collings
Yee Chung
Bob Collings
Yee Chung |
Requirements Set |
Vision Document
Stakeholder Requests Document
Use Case Specifications
Supplementary Specification
Requirements Attributes Document
Use Case Model (and Model Survey) |
Sue Gamble
Bob King
Sue Gamble
Sue Gamble
Sue Gamble
Sue Gamble |
Management Set |
Preliminary Iteration Plan
Project Plan
Project Schedule
Project Risk List
Measurement Plan
Business Case Document
Status Assessment
Preliminary Iteration Assessment
Configuration Management Plan |
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell & Carol Ming
Rick Bell & Carol Ming
Simon Jones |
Standards and Guidelines |
Requirements Attributes
Configuration Management Environment |
Simon Jones
Simon Jones |
5. Resources
5.1 Staffing Resources
The staffing requirements for the Preliminary Iteration are:
Project Management
Project Management Rick Bell
Business Modeling Group
Business Modeling Manager Bob King
Business-Process Analysts Bill Collings, Glen Fox
Business Designer Yee Chung
Business-Model Reviewer Abu Zony
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering Manager Carol Ming
Systems Analysts Sue Gamble, <TBD>
Architect Steve Johnson
Software Engineering
Process Engineer (CM) Simon Jones
The project organization chart and the staffing requirements for the full
project will be contained within the Project Plan [5].
5.2 Financial Resources
The following table shows the budget for the Preliminary Iteration. Wylie
College has secured $150,000 in funds for this first iteration.

5.3 Equipment &
Facilities Resources
The Inception Phase requires the following computer equipment, which has
already been acquired by the Information Systems department:
- 4 PCs (Windows 95 , MS Office, Rational Rose, RequisitePro)
- 6 Monitors
- 1 Printer
- Access to the Wylie College Server.
The Wylie College Information Systems department has sufficient office
space and furniture to meet the needs of this iteration.
6. Use Cases
During the Preliminary Iteration, all significant use cases and actors will
be identified. The basic flows and key alternative flows of each use case will
be determined and documented in the Use Case Specifications. The design and
implementation of use cases will begin in the next iteration.
7. Evaluation Criteria
The primary goal of the Preliminary Iteration is to define the system to
the level of detail required to make a sound business judgment on the
viability of the project from a business prospective. At the completion of
the iteration, a review of the Business Case will arrive at a Go / No Go
decision for the project.
Each deliverable developed during the iteration will be peer reviewed and
subject to approval from the team.