The Graphic Artist creates product artwork that is included as part of the product packaging. 


Create Product Artwork Product Artwork

Description To top of page

To fulfill the role of a Graphic Artist, you need to have expertise in the creative design field. You will also need to have some knowledge of the production process chosen for this product, for example, whether this includes shrink-wrapping and packaging the product or deploying a Web site. Given the context of business-to-customer communication, it is beneficial to have some experience in the fields of marketing and public relations.

Related Information To top of page

This section provides links to additional information related to this role.


Staffing To top of page

Skills To top of page

The Graphic Artist role requires experience-or at a minimum training-in graphic artistry. A person playing this role needs to possess creativity, an understand of marketing principles and an awareness of how to attract consumer interest.

Role assignment approaches To top of page

The Graphic Artist role can be assigned in the following ways:

  • Contract the role out to a specialized graphic art consultant. This is a common approach to dealing with these responsibilities.
  • Assign one (or more) staff members to perform the Graphic Artist role. Given that graphic artistry is a specialized skill, it is generally not possible to find staff members with combined software development and graphic art skills.

Further Reading To top of page

See the references page for further information.

Rational Unified Process   2003.06.13